Sunday, July 15, 2012


...DREAMers best be BELIEVErs...
...that the heART may manIfest...
...that joy*lUv*peace*bless sUrroUnd...

...that peace*blessIngs contInUe...
...that hope*everlastIng stays...
...that fear knows no safehaven...

...that tIme makes for trUe Increase...
...that creators borne create...
...that lUv uplIfts provIvIdIng...   

Thursday, July 12, 2012


...WE really are what WE eat... WE Speak>Do>ThInk>REact...
...the UnIverse RE^responds... Inn tIme ALL things REvealed...
...NO wounds left to bInd or heal...
...IntentIons personIfIed...

...MAAT principles matter...
...what measure of weight have words...
...what healIng balm rectIfIes?...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


REvisit YOUR Roots...Match Memories...Preserve the Past...Define Destiny
...begin GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH now...***
"Concerted investment in yOURstory is; to say the least, THE unequivocal PREPAREDNESS Model...Your artifacts, papers, photographs and DNA are priceless commodities!"

Cultural  yOURstorian
***Lectures, Seminars, Information & Referral and Workshops****** us at...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 mo' rain..

...bUck passers ALLways spazzing...
...mUch  hateInn ALLways skatIng...
...sUbmIttInn INN lack not joy...

...zeroInn lack>strIfe>drama...
...stress be theIr nearest fear frIend...
...flIppIng the fake mask lyInn...

...denyInn the calm, stIll peace...
...studyInn war @ each door...
...choosInn the floor as WE soar...

...end tI/MEs...

...Passerby U>r WELLcome...
...I mean U no harm or strife...
...I offer ALL that I have... measUring the portIon..
...I am U as U r ME... gtUdging the plenty cUp...

...U r ME as I am U...
...Inn sad tI/MEs chIldren dIctate...
...WE r lEARNing charIty...


...of front yards Inn forBEARance...
...who>what>when>why>where cUrses...

,,,nieghbors weep for yOUR souls pain...
...threats to kill curses us all... pain>no gain>hope remains...

...heal ALL wIthInn forgIveness...
...torchlIght dUll flIckerInn flames...
...LOVE dULL cIrcle lIght the nIght...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


...ol boy say, "here come my boss"...
...young queen cry, "i hate my life"...
...prison camp rules learned and taught...

...freedom is as the mind does...
...we are as strong as our souls...
...captive peons pick a peck...

...mentacide redux complete...
...traditional greatness breathes...
...reborn glory via heART...

...the halcyon cure...

...dominoe effect abuse...
...power surged malevolence...
...the violent control drug...

...submission to the hate beast...
...forgetting personal worth...
...feeling alone in a crowd...

...fear cycles thrive in chaos...
...war is death's gathering place...
...peace is fleeting though possible...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


...captIves set FREE Inn lUvlIte... ...paIn and chaIns forevAH gone... ...BE^Inn PEACE w/Inn RElease... ...yOUR UnIverse REjoIsInngs... ...sUch stellAH UPward choIces... ...affIrm exspansIve voIces... ...deeds speak as wurdz can't utter... sorry Is sorrIest... ...NO regrets~NO surprises...

Monday, May 7, 2012


...BEings made better by trial... ...that which does not kill builds... ...the hoped for character won... ...tIme traveling ShapeShifters... ...where does the honorInn lie... ...gather together as one... ...EyeSee combined weakness strong... ...trU sIte WE see as OUR own... ...REsource^Based^Economy...


...moved forward per completions... ...withInn the waitInn grande growth... ...humblIng evolUtIons speak... ...courage withInn the heARTs^SoUl... ...compoUndInn more strength than less... ...equalIzeInn in the JUSTcause... ...we are made better by trail... ...the deSERVEd character wON... ...battle scars as HONOR's badges...


...Farmer's MarketREmind clocks... ...RE^MEmory of baskets... ...placed on stoops to feed our young... ...some pastSterling thoughts me... ...InnerCity CornerStores... ...GoneGreenBEfore future's tIme... ...the GREEN^INN webpage OutReach... the seeds of LIKEs breakbud... ...why did yOUR seeds NOT breakbud...


...occIdental accIdent... ...2nd lIne RE^Memory... ...set off MAAFA Inn WE... ...FREEdomstroll round PEOPLE's parks... ...hawking parasols for y'ALL... ...deep knee slide>twirl>strut>jump>scoot... ...sunrIse on hIgh Iboside... ...pour the four fada famly... ...relvory the U Inn trUth...


...waIt > smUdge > atch~ U see JAH do WE... ...Inna soon tI/ME wha Do>See... ...fena BE bes' betta bles... ...fena riz up der sangsongs... ...gonbe daince outta e cloze... ...fena noint e crown oIly... ...ifAH done kno besta ok do... ...inna brilit day clenInn... ...brisky nunnAH glumee dawk...

~...nevAH too SOON...~

...and so~WE work and STILL wait... ...centered Inn LUV~no mo' hate... ...tI/ME ordaIns~nevAH too late... ...the paRENTinn child evolves... the REvolUtIon breathes... ...tI/ME and space REleaves agaInn... ...ONE door closes opens wIde... ...castInn PeaceShadows~FAITHides... ...walkInn JOY^LUV fAH ALLways...

Friday, May 4, 2012


...BornDayBLISS^BirthDay luv wish... ...matrIarchallIfe gIvTnn... ...born Inn this world's breedInn breathes ...bIrthed from wombswarm WELL waters... ...borne by Inncubation... ...MotherFatherSIStAH~Son... ...ancestrALL warmwombs seed ONE... ...breaths never leaving breathes... ...LIFE's ALLexactINN ONEness...

Thursday, May 3, 2012


...TIME's cloxtik NEVERceasINN... ...NO REtraction~NO REpeat... ...Drum Major March on,on,on... ...once rythms were not measured... ...ALL say so per occident... ...all things go as seasons went... ...the west does it's best to test... ...that nondecript epochs last... ...BEST Friend of MIND~SPIRIT^TIME...


...preDawn Angels sing for me... ...Inn the PeacePlace songs of love... ...UPliftINN HOPE's blessed praise tunes... ...from leafy trees HIGH above... ...they see me though I not them... ...chirping MY^SONG of REjoice... need to SEE their sound gift... ...twittering ClickSong echoes... birds on the wIng praIsInn...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


...healINNtalk comforts the SOUL... ...solid strong wurd embrace Inn... ...PEACE ladder buttress UP WE... ...every rUng NOT secUre... ...LOVE neccesIty thoUgh guIdes... ...WE rINNg JOY bells @ each step... ...serve^INN per the balm WELL EARNed... WEspeak cALLm soUl WELL LEANed... ...healINNtalk UP^LIFTS sick SOULS...


...LOX like INNfield ANTennae... ...Power Ropes transmittINN Hope... ...DNA tentacles LIVE... ...DreamStrings emit^INN JoyLuv... ...condU^Its ithINN dIvIne... ...passengers of LIGHT^ORDER... ...ExtraSensorI fIbers... ...CrownINN Glory Natty Dred... ...negated by occident...


...LUV*ROX jump into my hand... ...this RedRoad walk quantIfIes... ...leafy tree TOP valentInes... ...OWNed INN sky~clay tolerates... ...grounded INN SpiritWizdom... ...blood transfUsIons OVERstand... ...twist torn turns aches powder burns... ...grOWN INN occidental GRACE... ...TIME amazing on OUR sIde...

Monday, April 30, 2012


...ALL^POWER WE PRAY TO GIVES... ...NO malevolent faIlUres... WE ARE LOVE DIVINE... ...of ALL these battles WE WIN... ...the EXALTING surrender... WE^BEGIN~LOVE~BEGETS... Recipients of JOY... ...WE WALK THE RED ROAD @ PEACE... WE^LOVE ^ ENDings ^ BEGIN...

Monday, April 23, 2012


...each new moMEment new days dawn... BEGINnings are ENDings... LOVE supercedes INN^ALL...
...the world spins~tosses and turns... ...dreams come trU or crash and burn... enemies ARE^NOT friends... friENDs become enemies... marriage becomes divorce... ENDings are BEGINnings...


...they walked the FREEdom^heArts road...
...ALL Gentle^Strong^Quiet^Soft...

...they were EveryOne of US...
...AncestralGuidance ordained...
...studying lessons taught^learned...

...apologies NOT REquired...
...ALLways lEARN^INN yOUR lessons... chALLenge by REcomspence...

Friday, April 20, 2012


...rise UP~WOKE~PREpared singing...
...reach out attract PEACE and LOVE...
...REissue the GODdEssence...

...speak justice ^ integrity...
...offer ALL you have to GIVE...

...invoke POWER positive...
...avoid lower frequencies...
...thy will be done as YOU are...

Thursday, April 19, 2012


~REmain OPEN and REceive~ danger undefeated...
~celestial dreamscape flight~

...see beyond the walking veil...
~BE etheREAL life guide~
...turn gosseMEr wInged pages...

~invoke plausibilties~ far from frightening fear...
~soar satisfied sail skies sweet...


...bakpax kotz to some castle...
...keypad lox to HEAVENs doors...
...luv served as NEVA b4...

...royalty subliminity...
...change wrought via TenderCare...
...planters of hope seeds for all...

...QUEENs WELLbred know charity...
...they serve from the plenty cup...
...ROYALty accomoDATES...


...heARTheals INN coloURs of days...
...MUSE ministrations do guIde...

...healINN squaredUP rythmIk Verse...
...daIly wUrdz etheREAL...
...zawadIgIft make a smIle...

...digiTELL PEACE^PIECES wUrkz...
...AIDS out ARTZ INN side of WE...

Monday, April 16, 2012

~study war no more~

...reSOURCE centered inn ONE^LUV...
...SOLIDARITY warmed HEARTs...

...PEACE IS when war is no more...
...when human UPlift is ALL...
...when we mimic death NO more...

...HARMONY will be our way...
...plowshares recycled weapons...
...the rhythm of our ways agree...

~GRANDE^GIFTS~ luv we REceive and Give...
...ALL LEARNed BLESSings we TEACH... we DO as we deSERVE... when 1 helps 1 other... we have that which we give...
...All things SHAREd are multiplied... We^ARE ONE~2 INNcreased... Retained are so soon lost...
...good gifts GIVE^INN grow grANDe GIFTs...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


...wONder of wANDers DIVINE...
...RedRoad WARriors SEeCURE...
...joUrneys of spIrIt sUStain...

...the sUccUlent plate WELL served...
...ALL locks REspond to trUe keys...
...flowINN plenty cups URbane...

...NOtMAD @ the HEJIRA...
...preDESTINATIONs ordained...
...spiritWIZdom ^ wanderINNs...

Friday, April 13, 2012

~OUT of DOUBT~ the body REleases... the UnIverse REjects...
...OUT with WasteLackNeedFearDoubt...

...ALL the unKNOWn WE WILL lEARN...
...ALL not GIVEn WE WILL EARN... WE ARE ones CHOSEn...

...UnIversALL ordINNance...
...blest PEACE^conFIRMed PROTECTiON...
...exspansive DREAMs do come trUe...

Thursday, April 12, 2012


...MIND allows WE be priznorz...
...FREE^WILL our peace LOCK and KEY...
...LOVE~the manUmIssIon force... INN SafeHaven FREEdom...
...INNcarceratIon unFORCEd...
...HEAL^INN balm INN heART^MINE^soUl...

...rHOPEs geoMEtrix LOKdINN...
...sum total of ALL we KNOW...
...dIvInIty rests w/INN...

...terror gives root to horror...
...dIvIsIonal fear consumes...
...PEACE~the FREEdom form~U~law...

...doINN da dime flIpINN X...
...sumpINN lak napINN fullwoked...
spIrItlead bles' NattyDred...

...tinkspek lak git 1 jes dat...
...anguishing fear cripples GROWth...

...physIcalIty MIX^INN..
...mixINN SaneMENTALity...
...bring to boil RE^ALL^I^TEA...


...haven NOT safe as desIred...
...WELLcoming soonTIMEcome GONE...
...deSERVEd HEAL^INN now REdux...

...cherished CHILDren DISrespect...
...some show Grande favor to friENDs...
...heARTs BrokeBad^ELDER's tears flow...

...things may be better OR worse...
...what WILL^BE by WILLwill BE...
...things may be worse or BETter...


...D.D. gone I wanted U...
...I am a GODdEss mourning...
...U came before the dawning...

...@ Ur age I lEARNed my X...
...spiritWIZdom round dayclean...
...turn INN down round ShadowHours...

...I gazed into Ur WOKE eyes...
...1st X saw U WE knew...
...U came cause WE wanted U...

...I hoped U'd be strong and true...
...prayed U the best of ALL X...
...unCONDITIONal love lasts...

...never authored a MOMbook...
...jes a trU rootz SIStAH Queen...
...hoped for dreams of MAAT...

...pray the RIGHTeoUS debt pay U...
...trUrootz SIStAH^Queen daUghter...
...pray U pay the RIGHToUS debt...

...a JOY of LOVE eternal...
...MOONkieStank love of my heART...
...grande gift of LIFE the BLESS^INN...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


...preDawn DreamScapes showed me U...
...TIMEspace glimpsed GENERATIONS...
...comfort, art, evolution...

...SUN^SON of fleeting TIMEs past...
...seed grown strong did not last long...
...teach me love lessons ALLways...

...Dovyn deMarquis ELlis...
...preDawn dreamscapes showed me U...
...Private, p.r.s.j. Smith...


ropes of pride hope majesty
Samonian lox REmind
DredScott luv reMEmory

OURstory tentacles share
baldhead poser BEaWEAR
E^Z squeeze make NO riot

HUE man glory INN we hair
status worth & beaUty LIVE
Amexem chIrren er where

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


...the fire has NOT burnt OUR souls...
...Calm^Still^Quiet we remain...
...redeemed safe from harm we are...

...achieving omen diverse...
...HERitAGE transcended some...
...@ tables we set some wait... ANCESTORS breathe Ase'...
...our eyes watch the GODdEssence...
...bodies Greene as planted Peas...


...wonderfull womanism...
...loveinn self identity...
...want, wait inn REmemory...

...the GODdEssence transcenDANCE...
...our JOY^LUV lifeforce divine...

yOUR art IS evolution...
...BE^INN lead INN sacrement...
...strength INN the depths of EYES peace...


...wholistic prescriptions cleanse...
...poultice heal rather than pils...
...well physian cure thyself...

...count mine inn as never out...
...count mind protected / secure...
...count  mine free count mind no doubt... 1 thinks to design time... divinity aligns... the universe is time...


...from draught to flood life cycles... endings begin again... circles allways complete...

...someone's loss is someone's gain...
...someone's sun is someone's rain...
...someone's truth is someone's blame...

...someone's heaven is yOUR hell...
...someone's joy is someone's pain... my freedom is yOUR jail...


...17 iron capped steps~fall...
...iron knob lightening bolt shock...
...electro / tailgate / car wreck... bloody brain telltale lifescan... funeral dirge grave dug...
...wellcome 3rd eye open inn...

...not laid to rest site seer...
...daylight dreamer siteseer...
...3rd eye open well & wize...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

GODdEssence Gathering

When WOMEN gather INN concerted SILENCE...there is exacting possibility for
~WELL^RELATIONSHIPS~ HEALing really is a Self Centered REALity wihINN commUNITY...


...INN silence WE walked GOD's Ground...
...agreed INN 1 UMOJA...
...WE are every 1~ALL...

...ALL the same in GOD's 1ness...
...WILL^INN to REceive the ALL...

...that JOY  BE ALLways 1...
...that PEACE BE EVERlastINN...

....OUR's is HEAL^INN rituALL...
...witness INN JOY  DIVINE...
...'s minute' HOPE exACTing...

..COMFORTed INN PEACE ordained...
...UPlifted by DIVINE GRACE...
...BE^INN Calm~Still~Quiet...